The Power of Touch

Touch, a simple word that we all can understand quickly. Whether it’s the touch of your hand petting your dog or cat’s fur, the brush of your ferret’s whiskers, the wet kiss they would un-expectantly swipe across your face, or the gentle nudge of their nose against your hand. These are just a few of the touch sensory movements that we have experienced with our pets. This gift of touch benefits both our pets and us.

After a long day at work, you come home exhausted and in need of some unwinding. Now is your time to sit, relax and try to regain some peace in your life. Your pet, the happiest living creature in your home has waited all day to see you again. Jumping into your lap, the feel of your pet’s soft fur brings instant comfort. The wet kisses dispel the day’s challenges and their wet cold nose digging into the crook of our neck. You are home and you are loved unconditionally.

Pet Collar - Remembering Our Pets

Though we tend to take for granted how much we are appreciated and loved by our pets. They show us every day how much they miss us, but yet quite often we forget…

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How Much Does Pet Cremation Cost?

For pet owners, pet cremation can be a difficult decision; however it offers a good number of potential benefits. If you are considering pet cremation, you may be wondering how much it costs, if there are any factors that may affect the price, and if it’s actually the best option for you.

That’s what we’re here to cover.

Pet Cremation Cost


Pet Cremation Cost

To start, the general cost of cremating your pet is actually contingent upon several factors. These factors include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • The kind of pet.
  • Its weight and size.
  • Desired kind of cremation – you can opt for private, communal, or partitioned.
  • Other special services, like home pick up.
  • Memorial product(s) selected.

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My Dog Died: 8 Tips to Cope with your Loss

The loss of a dog can be a very devastating event for lots of people. Only those who have spent years taking care of their dogs and who love them dearly can understand how big a loss this is. After losing your dog you are supposed to feel remorse, grief, and all those other bad feelings associated with pet loss.

However, what we need to understand is that in all such cases – no matter what the source of the loss is – the best strategy is to accept what has happened, endure the pain, and find a way to move on.

Why? Because we are not left with any other option. Remember, moving on doesn’t mean that you’re forgetting about your pet, but that you’re learning to live happily again (just as they would want you to).

My Dog Died: Cope With Your Loss

Getting over the loss is important and required. A few simple tips given below will help you in handling your emotions and moving on.

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4 Things to Consider Before You Adopt a Dog

Before you adopt a dog, there are a few things that you should consider. So if you’re reading this article now, I think it’s safe to assume that you are considering adopting a dog yourself. If that is the case, I want to take the time to tell you that I admire that great step you are about to take.

Adopting a dog or even any animal at such is a great way to contribute positively to earth and its creatures. Through adoption you’ll be giving an animal a second chance, who may not have had one otherwise. Not only that but you’ll be supporting an adoption facility, which in turn could help even more dogs to find their forever homes. For those reasons, if you are about to take that one bold step of adopting a dog, then I applaud you.

However, there are some facts to consider before you adopt.

4 Things to Consider Before You Adopt a Dog

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7 Grieving Remedies for Coping with Pet Loss

7 Grieving Remedies for Coping with Pet Loss

When grieving the loss of a beloved pet, the thought of giving your heart to another animal may seem wrong. Even though the love of a pet can bring immense joy, sometimes it’s just too soon to invite another pet into space so recently occupied by your four-legged friend.

While this feeling is totally normal for most grieving pet owners, it’s important to remember that healing often comes by giving. One of the great ways to overcome your pain and bring peace to your soul is volunteering at an animal shelter. After all, no one understands the value of an animal’s life like those who went through losing one.

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