Summer safety tips for pets

Summer Pet Safety

Summer is the time of adventures and fun. From afternoon walks to camping, almost every activity is more enjoyable when you have your pet by your side during this period. Whether you’re walking your dog, going camping with your cat or playing outside with your bunny, you have to be very careful. As much as summer is the time of adventures, it is very important to be aware of the dangers it can mean for your pet.

We are sure you want the best for your furry friend, so here are some of the most important safety tips that you’ll need in order to keep them safe during hot days.

  1. Summer heat poses a real threat to pets if they are left in the car. For example on a 30-degree day the temperature in the car can reach 39 degrees in less than 10 minutes. In order to keep your pet safe, never leave them in the car. It only takes 15 minutes for them to get a heatstroke.
  2. Daily exercise is very important for your pets’ health but keeping them safe is even more important. In order to keep them safe and sound, try to exercise them in cooler hours, whether that’s in the morning or late afternoon.
  3. Do you know what the signs of a heat stroke in pets are? It is really important to be aware of them, as you can save their lives. The first and most common signs are excessive panting, weakness, drooling, lethargy, vomiting, very rapid heartbeat and seizures. If you notice these signs, immediately move them to a cool area, douse them with cool water and allow them to slowly drink some.
  4. Did you know that your pet can also get sunburned? In order to avoid that, keep them in shade or use some pet-safe sunscreen.
  5. Summer months are high season for ticks, so watch out for them. Stop them by using a tick treatment that either kills or repels them if they attack.
  6. When the temperature reaches 27°C outside, the pavement can burn your pets’ paw. In order to be sure it doesn’t burn, try to stay 5 seconds barefoot on the pavement, and if it’s too hot, then it definitely is hot for your pet too.
  7. Here are some of the signs of burned paws: rough or dry paw pads, paw pads darker than usual, blistered or red, excessive licking of paws, or pet refusing to walk. If you notice any of these signs, it is best to contact your veterinarian.
  8. If your furry friend has a long coat, you can give them a haircut. However, the best way to do that is by going to a professional groomer, as some breeds use their hair to keep their body cool. In most cases it is enough to just trim the hair, so shaving is not recommended.
  9. As with everyone, animals’ water intake increases in the warmer months as well. In order to keep your pet hydrated, provide them with unlimited water access. To check if your pet is hydrated, gently pinch and lift the skin at the back of their head: if they are hydrated, their skin should snap back right away.
  10. If you’re going to a pool or beach, don’t leave your dog unattended. Due to the warmer temperatures, dogs can get tired much faster and they might drown. Also it is possible they don’t know how to get out of the pool.
  11. We need fresh air in the summer months, but we also need to be cautious with opening the windows and doors, as open unscreened windows and doors can be a real danger to pets. They might fall out.

If you need a quick list to remind you of these important tips, you can save or download this summer safety checklist from here. You can check it out everytime you might need to remind yourself of these steps to keep your furry friend safe this summer.

Author Bio:

Timi worked with Wire Fence on this checklist to collect the most important tips in order to keep pets safe in the summer heat. They also want to help animals in need so they are fundraising regularly for different charities/shelter animals.

How to Care for Your Pet After Surgery

Pets aren’t just there to keep you company after work, they are truly a part of the family. Just like any other family member, when your pets get sick or sick or hurt, you take them to the vet to be checked out. It’s inevitable that at some point your pet will likely need to go in for some kind of surgery, whether it’s a routine spay/neuter or something more complicated. No matter the procedure, you will want to do everything you can to help your pet feel comfortable and cared for after the procedure because quality care leads to quality healing.

If your pet is about to undergo surgery of any type, here are a few tips to help you care for them as best as you can.

Credit: Unsplash

1. Help Them Use The Bathroom More Often

If your pet was hooked up to an IV and received fluid, they’ll likely need to go to the bathroom more often the day of and the day after surgery. If you have a dog, make sure you take it outside more frequently than normal to ensure its bladder isn’t too full. Likewise, if you have a cat, you may want to clean the litter box a little more often to create a welcoming environment (and avoid accidents in the house).

2. Pet-Proof Your House and Make it Comfortable

If you haven’t already done so leading up to surgery, be sure to pet-proof your house before your pet’s return. You’ll want to be extra cautious to any potential hazards around the home because your pet will be groggy and may hurt itself more easily after a surgery. Additionally, you can create a separate “healing space” (think: recovery room) for your pet when they get home. Make it cozy and keep all essentials closeby for them so they don’t have to travel across the house.

3. Encourage Lots of Rest and Sleep

Just like humans, pets require lots of rest and sleep in order to fully heal and recover from surgery or injuries. For older pets, this isn’t a hard task, but if you have a new puppy it may want to play or jump around which isn’t great for healing. You can promote rest and sleep by creating a cozy bed for them in a room where they won’t be disturbed. Keep the lights dim and consider putting a sound machine nearby to drown out the noise of kids running around or the doorbell ringing. The less stimulation there is, the more your pet will be able to rest.

4. Go Easy On The Food and Focus on Water Intake

After being put under anesthesia, your pet may feel a little nauseous and resist eating. This is okay, and to be expected. Don’t try to push food on your pet if they don’t seem interested in it in the first few days following surgery. Instead, focus on water intake to ensure hydration. Pets can quickly become dehydrated if they aren’t taking in enough fluids which can lead to vomiting and other potential complications.

It may be tempting to just give your pet treats so they have something in their tummy, but the reward is not worth the risk. If you’re truly concerned about your pet’s eating habits after a few days, consult your vet.

5. Follow Your Vet’s Directions With Medications

Chances are good that your vet will prescribe some sort of medication for your pet after the surgery. Whether it’s an antibiotic or pain medication, be sure to read the directions carefully so you are well versed in how much and how often you should be giving the medication to your animal. If it’s a pain medication you don’t want to over-do it; be on the lookout for if your pet is in pain while the drug is active in its system. If your pet was given an antibiotic, it’s important to administer the right amount of medicine for the full duration your vet instructed you, regardless of how well your pet may seem to be doing.

6. Keep an Eye Out for Infections

There’s a good reason your pet got sent home with a cone around its neck—it’s so your animal is not tempted to try to “clean” its wound/incision by licking it. Any time a pet has a wound, particularly one that requires stitches, it’s essential to ensure it remains clean and taken care of to avoid infection. Monitor any signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, pus/discharge, or hardness. Additionally, if your pet seems to be generally unwell, that could indicate an infection, so it’s important to call your vet as soon as possible if you suspect there’s a chance of infection.

The bottom line is that your pet will need a little TLC in the days after surgery. As long as you’re attentive to your pet and help it get lots of rest, there’s no reason to expect anything but a full recovery. Your furry friend will be itself again in no time!

Summer Safety Tips for Your Pet

Summer is a great time to explore and enjoy the outdoors with your dog or other pet, especially after a long winter. You can take them out for longer walks, hiking, and picnicking, but remember that pets have limits when it comes to heat exposure that are different than our limits.

Dogs have less of an ability to cool themselves off than humans do because they sweat less. Mostly all they can do is pant and continue to drink water. That’s why it is our responsibility as pet owners to protect our pet’s health and set healthy boundaries for outdoor time, especially in the hot summer months.

Understanding pets are different from you will help you protect them when you venture outdoors with them in the summer. See the following tips to keep your pet happy and safe all summer long.

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4 Things to Consider Before You Adopt a Dog

Before you adopt a dog, there are a few things that you should consider. So if you’re reading this article now, I think it’s safe to assume that you are considering adopting a dog yourself. If that is the case, I want to take the time to tell you that I admire that great step you are about to take.

Adopting a dog or even any animal at such is a great way to contribute positively to earth and its creatures. Through adoption you’ll be giving an animal a second chance, who may not have had one otherwise. Not only that but you’ll be supporting an adoption facility, which in turn could help even more dogs to find their forever homes. For those reasons, if you are about to take that one bold step of adopting a dog, then I applaud you.

However, there are some facts to consider before you adopt.

4 Things to Consider Before You Adopt a Dog

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