Summer was the most gentle, kind and patient girl there was. She loved a cuddle, as it was the closest thing to getting in your skin haha. Her little playful face running around the house waiting for her Dad to chase her always made her day. She loved a treat (or 20) and was a master at puppy dog eyes meaning she got twice the treats! Always a happy puppy, she grew into a nurturing girl showing her baby brother the ropes and how to behave, although he hasn’t quite learned just yet! Snuggling up to Dad was her favourite thing to do after he came home. She adored him and would always stare at him with nothing but love. Her little tap dance at the treat door and begs for her 8th treat of the day lives on in Sarge. Summer, we love you girl. Give Zeus a big kiss and we will see you again! Have fun up there baby! Love always, Dad and Mum xoxoxo