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Born:November 7, 2010
Huntsville, Al
Died:November 28, 2023
Pensacola, Fl.

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Pretty Girl was our Missy Prissy, she was our constant companion. When she was young she went to work with her paw everyday. He dressed her every day, I use to joke she had more cloths than I had. I'll never forget the day we went to get her, she was on the back of that truck with she brother and sisters. When we looked in her eyes we knew she was the one and we were not leaving without her, she was so tiny and we knew that we would love her forever. Which we did.
Everyone fell in love with her and she ruled our family. She was so protective of Russell that she didn't let any of the kids get to close to him. They never hugged him always blew a kiss.
The love she gave us will be there forever. PrettyGirl will be in our hearts forever.
There is void in our hearts that will never go away. She will always be our Missy Prissy.
We love you forever.
Missy Prissy
Added by Mom

Our little girl
Added by Anonymous

Forever in our hearts
Added by Mom

PrettyGirl with her Paw and little brother that loves and misses her very much
Added by Mom
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Personal Notes

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