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Born:Austin, Texas
Died:Houston, Texas

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Mario Van Peebles Mouseman III (Mousie) was born in a PetsMart in Austin, Texas and was loving adopted along with 4 of his siblings by Kevin Ludlow. Mario truly embodied Darwin's survival of the fittest, outliving all of his relatives, and ultimatly becoming Kevin's adored pet. Kevin and Mousie enjoyed eachother's company and the many memories of their brief life together live in Kevin's memory daily. Kevin's moved to New Zealand forced him to relinquish his beloved pet to his sister Kim Ludlow of Houston. Kim sent Kevin countless pictures and updates which allowed him to keep track of Mousie's progress. Kim and Mario ultimatly moved and Mousie enjoyed a stint in Arkansas before eventually returning to Houston in route to Austin where he would once again live with Kevin. Unfortunatly, Mario was never able to experience a reunion with his original owner, and tragically he passed away moments before his journey home to Austin began.

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Personal Notes

You are always in our thoughts- nothing will ever fill the void that you left. Our hearts are forever imprinted with your memory. We love you and miss you.
Added by Anonymous
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