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Born:July 15, 2012
Died:September 19, 2020

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I found Sammy during August of 2012. He was to be taken the next day to a local rescue but they did not have room, so asked if I could keep him for a week. By the second day I knew he was going to stay with me.
He had a temper sometimes but could be so loving and sweet.He was with me through much of the day and slept with me at night. I cannot believe he is gone. He was still young and got sick so quickly.

Sammy, I don't know how I am going to live without you. You were such a large part of my life. I cannot stop crying and do not feel like living. Please forgive me for not noticing you were sick sooner. I hope one day we will be back together forever. You will always be in my heart. I love you.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

It has been 6 days since you passed away. I still keep crying. I miss you so much. You are forever in my heart.
Added by Anonymous

Sammy, you passed away one week ago. I miss you so much.
Added by Anonymous

I received the call that Sammy's ashes are ready to be picked up and started crying again. I cannot believe that my sweet Sammy is gone.
Added by Anonymous

Sammy, I miss you jumping in my lap and your loud purring. The house is so empty without you. I love you so much.
Added by Anonymous

I have your ashes. I miss you so much. You were the sweetest cat. Always by my side and such a comfort. I love you my sweet Sammy.
Added by Anonymous

Sammy it has been 2 weeks since you passed away. I cannot believe you are gone. I miss and love you so much.
Added by Anonymous

I miss you so much.

Added by Anonymous

It has been three weeks and one day since you passed away. My life is so empty without you loving presence. I love you so much. There will never be another cat like you.
Added by Anonymous
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