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Born:April 14, 2004
Clarksville, TN
Died:August 1, 2020
Fairview Heights, IL

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Sandy was my best friend. She went everywhere with me. I found her in Clarksville, TN in 2004 and immediately fell in love with her. From there we traveled the country together coast to coast. We even made a few trips together in Canada. She got to experience alot. She was also a great teacher. She taught me what unconditional love was. She showed me what loyalty was. She was so wonderful. Through out her life she was very social. Everyone she came in contact with fell in love with her immediately.  Sandy is a rare soul. She will be missed. Until we meet again. Goodbye.

Added by Anonymous


Added by Anonymous


Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

My girl... love of my life...only reason for my being here. You were the best daughter a Father could have. You will be missed.
Added by Anonymous

I recieved your ashes today...nothing seems to keep the pain of losing you away...I remember the good times together asleep on my lap.. I hold my breath, fight the tears and pray you are in that beautiful field with Grandma and the rest of our dearly departed family. Letting go of you was the hardest thing I have had to do in my life. You were my balance Sandy...I calmed you during storms and you calmed me with whatever was bothering me. It's hard when I need you there and your not. I do know however, you are in a better place. No longer in pain. My baby, my Girl, Love of my life...only reason for my being here. I miss you and always will. You are the best Daughter a Father could ever ask for. I miss you baby. Until we meet again.... Goodbye.
Added by Daddy

Maybe in another life
I could find you there
Pulled away before your time
I can't deal, it's so unfair
And it feels
And it feels like
Heaven's so far away
And it feels
Yeah, it feels like
The world has grown cold
Now that you've gone away
Leaving flowers on your grave
Show that I still care
Black roses and Hail Mary's
I can't bring back what's taken from me
I reach to the sky
And call out your name
Oh please let me trade
I would
And it feels
And it feels like
Heaven is so far away
And it stings
Yeah, it stings now
The world is so cold
Now that you've gone away
Gone away
Gone away
Yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah ooh
I reach to the sky
And call out your name
Oh please let me trade
I would
And it feels
And it feels like
Heaven is so far away
And it feels
Yeah, it feels like
Heaven is so far away
And it stings
Yeah, it stings now
The world is so cold
Now that you've gone away.......

Added by Anonymous

From my memories....when you were a kitten... I remember you crying when Carrie was trying to cut your nails... I grabbed you up and said, " it's okay baby...everything is ok". The way I said it was in baby talk. But you understood. You looked at me with your eyes wide open and expressed yourself. With what I saw was you said, " I've never been talked to that way ..I love it...please dont stop". I fell in love with you at that moment. We had a bond that could not be broken from that moment on. You could always read my mind as well as I could yours. This was so special what we shared. I miss that. Always will. I think about the good times always. I will cherish the love we shared always. I will always be angry that i had to give you up but never at you. You gave me joy, happiness and humanity. Nothing but goodness came out of you. I am and always will be proud of you Sandy.
Added by Daddy

Hello Sandy's Dad. I think you left me a beautiful personal note on Paquito's memorial and I thank you for that; I wanted to return the kind gesture and just write a few words of sympathy.

Your dear Sandy was such a beautiful girl and I can tell how much you still love her; I know how much you must miss her and how your heart must ache. If this helps you find solace, I can say that I strongly believe that when we are ready, we will be reunited with the ones we love and are now gone from this earth; I also believe that their spirit lives on and that they are with us in every cherished moment we live having them in our hearts, for love is a very powerful force. For now, we have our memories and our dreams, until we meet our beloved ones again.

I wish you peace and happiness and plenty love!

Added by Paquito's Mom
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