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Born:1997, Vista, California
Died:August 14, 2004
San Diego, California
He was the best rabbit in the world. He had so much character. His face was so bright. He really was a handsome, regal bood. He was full of life and mischief. I wish he has lived a bit longer. I miss seeing his bright, eager face in the morning.
This wild eyed bood was so excited to find a little red bag and pick it up!
Added by Loppy's friend

Looby on the Balcony under a Twilight Sky.jpg
Here's Looby relaxing beside a large brown cushion that he loved. This was His balcony. The box in front of him was his own private little outhouse. Planks, logs, and boxes comprised the rest of his elaborate dwelling quarters
Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

Dear Loobish,

It's almost two months since you left, and I miss you more than ever. I miss seeing your beautiful face in the morning. I miss you flopping down beside me to watch TV. I miss holding your funny little pipecleaner tail. It certainly is a lonely life without you, my friend. I still find your fur all over the place. I wish you would come back to see me. It's a hard life without you.

Love from,

Your Rabbit

Added by Anonymous

Dear Loobish,
Words just can't express how much I miss you. My life seems so empty since you've gone. I wish that you could come back in my dream. I can't tell you how lonely it is here without you. It all seems so pointless.

I love you Loobish.

Please come back!

Added by Your dearesrt friend

Dear Looby-Boy,

I miss you. It's a year since you left. I think about you every single day. I still love to talk about you, and sometimes I imagine that you're here with me, especially when I get in bed, or when I watch TV. I imagine you slinking in beside me, resting your chin over my shoulder, and then sinking into a loaf. I remember how you used to huff all the tension out of your warm little body when I rested my arm over you. I love you, boy. I will never forget you.

Added by Looby's friend

Dear Looby-Boy,

It's over 2 years since you left, and I still think of you every day. I miss you so much. You were the best friend I ever had. You changed my life for the better in so many ways. Xmas is nearly here. When I hear the Xmas music in the shops, it reminds me of the funny songs I made up about you. "I'm dreaming of a Whiiiite Rabbit, just like the one I used to know." You'll always be a part of my soul Loobishun. I love you.

Added by Your rabbit