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Born:April 26, 1986
Died:May 19, 2004
Northland, NZ

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Jinks ... my poodle, died suddenly of a heart attack
Jinks was 15 yrs old ... still happy and very bouncy but getting thinner all the time since she had a big cancer operation in 2002, had cataracts and had gone deaf (a fact she used to her advantage!). I am going to miss her. We had good times together and she held the obedience qualification of Companion Dog Excellent. We also competed in agility and flyball competitions. Flyball utilised a natural talent. In her adolescent years, if she thought I was not watching, Jinks would race after birds on the lawn. They would fly in to the air thinking they were safe until Jinks, also flying in to the air, caught them in her mouth. She was not interested in eating or harming them and they always flew free. She just loved the game.

For six years Jinks was my partner for instructing people and dogs in obedience at the Wairarapa Dog Obedience Club.

Although a little dog, in size Jinks was a big dog in personality and courage. Before she was a year old she had single-handedly routed a couple of thieves one night, from the garage on our property in Greytown. It was a pitch-black night and so was she. Jinks asked to go outside then raced off to the garage barking. Two figures came flying out of the garage and ran off up the road chased by this furious little ball of fluff with a BIG bark. I often wonder what these thieves would have thought if they realised they had been scared off by a little black half-grown miniature poodle.

Some years later Jinks and I came home late. Jinks hopped out of the car as usual, but then went quietly over to the back fence line to the gate between our property and the neighbour’s paddocks. Jinks did not bark which was unusual for her if there was something strange on the property that she regarded as part of her territory. We had sheep killers in the paddock. I quickly went inside and rang the owner of the sheep. Thanks to Jinks he did not lose his entire small flock though most were down and mauled.

In 1997 I went to Japan with a school trip for eighteen days. During that time Jinks went missing for a number of days from our supposedly secure property. She had squeezed out between barbwire strands and gone the couple of kilometres to school to wait by the door that lead into the administration block. She had torn her side squeezing through the fence, had no food or drink, but stayed there, I was told, until one of my searching family found her.

I am going to miss Jinks always wherever I am when I am at home. I was looking forward to long walks with her along the beach. Now I have Shadow, her 12-year-old daughter, at my feet as I type this. Jinks and Shadow have loved to roam the hills and paddocks here with a freedom they had not had before. Failing eyesight kept Jinks closer to home these last few months and she seldom roamed far without Shadow to bring her safely back.

I hope, Jinks, you are in dog heaven enjoying chasing the rabbits through the long grass… bouncing along with your ears flying. You surely have been to me a ‘companion dog excellent’.

Small ball of fluff
Nestled warm in my jacket
Head poking out watching
Leal play hockey.

Little black dog
Learning to heel
Stepping high
Over the long dewy grass.
Wish they would cut it.

Mighty hunter
Chasing rabbits
Leaping high
Over the tall grass
Ears flying.

Proud mother
Five squirmy little pups
To be licked
To be loved
To be cared for.

Bright shining eyes
Head pressed on my knee
Waiting, watching.
Come on let’s play! Now!

Eyes clouded
Coat shabby
Joints creaky
Ears deaf
But bouncy and happy
- and now you have left.

Personal Notes

It brought tears to my eyes reading about Jinks. I recently lost my standard poodle Goldie. I am sure that they have met and are both Reminiscing about their lives with us. We are the lucky ones to have had them in our lives.
Added by Goldie's mum
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