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Born:Ellington Ct
Died:July 27, 2011
Enfield Ct

This Pet Memorial Has Expired
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Our Cleo was a loving and loyal companion and family member for 18 years.

 She was a Russian Blue and swear waspart dog. She would come to you when you whistled,and run to the door to great visitors,and stand at the back porch door and beg to come out for tidbets of dinner on the grill from her daddy, or maybe a piece of cheese.

 She fought kidney infections the last 2 years,but always came back after care and medications without missing a beat.

 But her most recent battle left her weak and combined with other ailments and advanced age,was loving euphanized,the hardest thing that we ever had to do.

 She will be in our hearts forever, and will be there to greet us in Heaven.

Added by Anonymous

cleo small 2.jpg

Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)
Sunshine on my shoulders John
cleos song
Added by Anonymous

Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

This memorial has ongoing storage and maintenance costs.

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