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Born:August 30, 1992
Lugoff, South Carolina
Died:November 6, 2010
Lugoff, South Carolina

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"Chester" was born along with 3 other siblings in the back of a pick-up truck. Her mother was killed as the owner drove his truck to "dispose" of the family of kitties, as she jumped from the truck.  Long story short, Chester & her "sisters" came home to live with me. All four kittens were nursed by bottle and well taken care of just like newborn human babies, late night feedings, baths, & vet bills! All kittens were so tiny we had to name them quickly and made logs of who ate and pooped, so thus we "assumed" they were boys. "Peanut", "Two-Patch", "Lefty", & "Chester" were their names.  They are all together now in peace, with Chester now joing her sisters on November 6th, 2010.
Today, I have lost a dear companion, who kept me company everynight and loved me unconditionally. In Chesters later years she stayed very close to me an my room was HER room! I could always count on her to welcome me everyday as I come home from work. She would jump on my bed & look at me as if to say "Its about time you got home!" She was MY cat. I had her longer than my oldest daughter. She watched me cry many tears over the years and her comfort was like none other. She loved me & I loved her. Im gonna miss her terribly, but I also thank God for the pleasure of taking care of her. She is free to run with out pain now.
Chester, my beloved kitty, you were an awesome friend, I will miss you very much.
Love, Mama
Personal Notes

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