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Born:May 4, 1994
Hyde Park ,Ontario
Died:March 23, 2010
Ode to Chloe 
4May 1994-23Mar2010
Love takes many forms and endures forever
I miss your grin at the door and the wagging tail when I came home,
Sometimes in quiet moments, I sense your spirit running towards me;
The sadness invades my heart now that you are physically gone;but my heart hears you saying
It’s ok Daddy,I am happy here and waiting for you. I am running in fields with all the pets you loved;and they are waiting here with me for you.
I miss you and Mommy and all the love you gave me, but that love endures and will never die.
Your kindness in letting me go, when my failing aged body could take no more time or pain; was the kindest,most selfless thing you could do. I saw your tears and pain,but it’s ok Daddy,I was ready to go.
The love you showed me was true to the end:
It was the same unconditional love that I held and hold forever for you and Mommy.
You are always with me Buggah Buddies, in my heart.
Run and Play and lie in the sun with joy and no more pain, just perpetual joy and vigour.
I will meet you in the meadow, and hug you and Rocky again. The pain of separation will be forgotten.
I will bring your favourite treats and see your loving smile again.
Love endures and the heart of a loving dog never stops but issues love here and beyond.

Rick Austin 15 Aug 10

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

Love ya Buggahs.
Added by Rick

Thank you for loving me Chloe.5Nov12
Added by Rick Austin

Thinking of you ,Buggahs.
Added by Rick Austin

It has been over three years,but every time I see a Golden,I think of you,and your love.
14 Oct 13

Added by Rick Austin