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Born:Durant, Oklahoma
Died:May 27, 2008
At my mother´s side Stroud, Oklahoma

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From humble beginnings Tigger managed to make his way around the family. I remember the day my mother let with three kittens in her arms.  Almost from birth he slept with me, but he was´t content unless he wass curled up sleeping literally in front of my face  My sister loved him and wanted him in her house, Ultimately My mother ended up with Tigger and Batty.  My parents own a large portion of a city block so they could wander all over.  I used to sneak out in the mignight to smoke outside and Tigger and Batty ALWAYS followed me....sometimes giving me away by meowing when he saw him.  If he wanted in, he would jump and hold on to the lever type doorhandle. this made the door pop opens slightly.He then would jump down and use those paws and he was inside. I havent lived in the US for 9 years, but there they were everytime I visited I really really loved them.  I think, in the absence og children in the house my mother really took to them....She had a thing for Tigger...He was her Tig Tig.  Now  the yard is empty, theres nobody meowing at the door, no one to take care of, and no one to follow us wherever we go outside .  There such a hole, that several times a day I just feel so sad and wished i could have done more  We loved you Batty and Tigs.. thanks for the 15 years of picking us to be with and all the nutty crazy stunts you pulled,  Mom loved you most of all..I don´t know how to make her feel better.

Added by Anonymous
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Personal Notes

I loved you Tigger and will always remember running and jumping over you and you jumping trying to swat me and your incessant thorough licking of my hands after work. How can such a small thing leave such a big hole, and it seems all you have to fill it with is tears. As for Batty we thought you were going to outlive all of us old gal.
Added by Anonymous
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