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Born:March 27, 1994
Placer County, California
Died:February 7, 2009
Rocklin, California

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Many years ago there was an exotic oil painting of a woman, a bird, a calico cat and the Taj Mahal. Eventually the owners of the painting decided they wanted to get a kitty; but only if they could find a cat just like the one in the painting. On the weekends they started looking at rescue centers for a calico kitty. They finally found the perfect calico with one black eye; just like the one in the painting, and of course they adopted her and named her The Taj.

Taj was so small when we adopted her that she could sit in one hand. Taj was so fearless that she would sit at the edge of the banister and look down on us from 12 feet high. Taj was also loved to hide from us under the bed, sofa, sleigh, and, trampoline. Taj taught herself to beg for treats by waving her left paw at us while meowing. Taj could be comfortable lying with her chin on a metal chair rung. Taj would chase bugs and lizards and hold them down.
Taj was such a beautiful and fun companion. Thank you Taj for coming into our life.

Favorite things and places of The Taj:
Pet faux mice.
Pounce Treats.
Cats Only Hospital
Favorite Vet Dr. Priest
Favorite Stylist groomer Amber

Personal Notes

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