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Born:Date & Place of Birth Unknown: found on the streets of Oklahoma City
Died:January 17, 2009
Oklahoma City, OK

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Lucky was found wandering the streets of Oklahoma City by our friends, the Settlemires. She was hungry and worn out. After the Settlemires had her checked out by a vet, cared for her, and concluded a multiweek search for the owner, we took her in. She was estimated to be 4-5 years old at that time. We have had her about 6 years, so she is probably 10-11 years old. That might make her equivalent to 62-67 years.

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Personal Notes

Lucky has been a truly loving dog and companion. A dog with a real personality, quirks and all. She was a real member of our family. She kept me entertained, kept me company, and even kept me warm when sleeping together on the couch. I miss her dearly. She holds a special place in my heart. I will never forget her, and how she enriched our family, and what she brought to my wife's, Berlian's, and Christpher's lives.
Added by Dad

I will never forget my little Lucky. She was such sweet little pup. She was the best company when you were home alone and she always wanted to be next to you or on your lap. I loved waking up to find her cuddled up against me or in a ball between my legs and the couch. She was always so protective of me, barking at the girlfriends over the years. I will miss her dearly and loved her very much.
Added by Chris

Lucky was my best friend. She could always put a smile on my face and was always there when I needed her. She never failed to amuse me in all that she did. She was an excellent guard dog when my friends came over, barking so much that i would have to hold her to calm her down. I never knew that such a small being could change my life entirely. I will never forget her or all of the nicknames we had for her, my favorite being lucksophocles. She was truly a special part of our family and I have no idea what we will do without her. She used to try and sit with me when I would play the piano and she loved to attack the vacuum like it was some type of monster invading our home. She walked into our lives unexpectedly and left little paw prints on our hearts. I will never forget her and I will always love her and miss her.
Added by Berlian

Without you Lucky's life would have ended many years ago. How sad that would have been. You must be wonderful people to see that this little girl needed you and needed love. You gave her that and more. She has given that love in return and she will never forget you. She will meet her loving family again one day.
God Bless you.

Added by Sam Pearceys mum (Australia)

I'm sure Lucky will be with you again one day. I know how you are feeling, it is very hard to lose a pet, but we will always have our lovely memories. Take Care
Added by Joanne (Kahn's mam) Washington. England

Lucky was a special little dog. She was so smart,very active. and lively. She loved to jump ,chased squrrels at my back yard. She also loved to follow me around, and barked at me when she wanted to eat or went outside.She guarded my house from anybody or anythings that passing by. I saw one day, Lucky was chasing a big dog,four time bigger than her, which was passing by my house. She has a special place in my heart. I miss her so much.

Added by Dorris Jeffery

I fell in love with Luckey the first time I met her. She had the cutest face and such a bark.
I loved spoiling her with treats. I wanted to
sneak Lucky in my suitcase to take back to maine with me but I knew she was in the best home with a family who loved her dearly. She was so special and never will be fogotten.

Added by Ann Marie

I am so sorry to hear about Lucky. I enjoyed playing with her when I came to visit you. She was a wonderful dog. She will always be remembered. She belonged to a special family.
Added by Donny
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