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Born:Hancock County, Indiana
Died:June 7, 2008
Fishers, Indiana

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Chester was a slate gray American shorthair with a white patch on his chest.  I suspect part of his heritage may have been Russian Blue or Chartreux.  

He had a early fascination with pens and would bat at them while I tried to write. When I would toss another pen on the floor for him, Chester began to play fetch, which seemed highly unusual behavior for a cat. Chester also had an unashamed fetish for leather shoes and loved to wallow on them whether their owners were wearing them or not.

Chester and I met through my co-worker, Tracy Hunt, at the Daily Reporter in Greenfield, Indiana. Tracy is an avid animal lover and facilitated Chester's adoption by paying for half of his initial veterinary expenses (a very generous incentive on her part). She worked at a vet's office part time. She was the first person I heard describe Chester as "regal", which he was.

Chester could be shy as times with strangers but his curiousity usually got the best of him and he would greet visitors and new friends. However, he rarely warmed up to repair people, probably because they make so much noise doing their jobs.

Chester, though at times naughty and often demanding, was a loyal, loving companion. He liked his solitude on occasion, but usually preferred to sit on laps and have attention lavished upon him. I often wondered if I should have adopted a second cat to give him more companionship. But I think he liked having a house and its humans to himself.

Chester endured some type of kidney disease during the last few weeks of his life. He began wasting and grew weak in his last days. I could not allow him to deteriorate without intervening.

I want to thank the doctors and staff at Brook School Veterinary Clinic at 116th and Brook School Road in Fishers, Indiana for their expert and compassionate care. Their weekend availability was a greatly appreciated.

Thanks to Chester's and my family and friends for their love and support.

Chester: You were a constant companion to me these past 14 years. I will sorely miss your presence and personality. I hope you are back in the country setting you had when I adopted you exploring fields and barnyards.


Added by Anonymous


Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

Chester was a great cat and adored Michael. Michael is a very private person who doesn't let many people in so I am very glad he had Chester as his best friend. I had to make the tough decision to let my cat go several years ago and I know how difficult it is to lose an animal who loves you unconditionally. I will miss Chester.
Added by Anonymous

Death is nothing at all, I have only slipped away into the next room. I am I and you are you. Whatever we were to each other we still are. Call me by my old familiar name, speak to me in the easy way you always used. Why should I be out of your mind because I am out of your sight. All is well, nothing is lost. One brief moment and all will be as it was before. Condolences from Ireland.

Added by Phoebe's family

Thanks to Phoebe's family for the thoughtful message. Phoebe must have had a wonderful life with you.
Added by Michael

Im sorry to hear of your loss of Chester.I lost my dog SAM two weeks ago and its heartbreaking.I am trying to think of all the happy times we had together because he was my best friend for 13 years and im glad i had that. So remember the good times
Added by Mary Sams mam Ireland

Thank you Mary (Sam's Mom). I'm sorry about your loss. I'm sure you gave Sam a wonderful life. He's in a better place now.

I picked up Chester's ashes from the vet today. Looking at the box just made me sad all over again. I plan to bury him in my garden so he can be outside and free again.

Added by Michael

I'm so sorry, Michael. I just picked up Wyatt's ashes Saturday. They weighed a lot more than I would have thought. It sounds like Chester's roaming free now and exploring. Thanks for your note. I've been having a rough morning, and opened my mail to see it. My condolences to you.
Added by Anonymous
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