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Born:Tempe, Arizona
Died:September 23, 2007
Portland, Oregon

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Cali was found 1993 in Tempe, Arizona where she pretty much adopted me. Although I do not know her true age, she lived approximately to about 16-18 years of age.  She was the most loving and loyal animal.  She loved bathing in the sun more than anything. She traveled with me many places and she was always a wonderful companion.  She was definitely a curious kitty and loved climbing into trees where sometimes she would get stuck and I would have to climb up and help her down.    She was adventurous and occasionally jumped off the 2nd floor balcony to get outside and to chase the jackrabbits. Once I lost her for 3 months after we moved and then found her on Thanks Giving day - she hated moving. Cali also loved drinking from the hose and the sprinkler  and she loved walking right by my side up the street to explore and find new smells and she especially enjoyed sitting out on the grass at night under the stars.  She was a talker and she would let me know when she wanted to go outside or if she was hungry and to even to get me out of bed in the morning.  Even in her old age and illness, she loved living and just to breathe the fresh air outside. I was blessed to love her.
Personal Notes

Oh, Jennifer...

This is so sad.
What a beautiful picture of Cali. It brings tears to my eyes.
Thank you for giving her the long, wonderful, pampered life that she deserved. She couldn't have had a better mom.
I will miss her a lot & will treasure my memories with her.
I hope your heart begins to heal soon

Added by Sandra Ling

I will always remember Cali as the calming and quiet savior she was in the midst of my college angst and boy troubles. She was always there, and loving and reminded me to settle down and pet the cat. I am in great sorrow that she has passed but she is now at rest. I wish I would of been able to visit with her one last time, but will hold my memories dear. Jen, I share your grief, for I know how special and important she was in you life. I will miss her as I miss you. Much love to you!

Added by Jenice
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