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Born:April 29, 1998
Orlando, Florida
Died:August 1, 2007
Orlando, Florida

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CHAPULIN was the most gentle, friendliest dog that ever lived.  

He possessed the sweetest spirit and most loving nature. He was a playful, beautifully fawned boxer with wise caramel colored eyes.

He was happiest around people. "His" people.

More than a pet, He was our faithful friend. A presence of great importance in our family and our home.

We will miss him every day.

Alan, Mariel, Aden & Chankleta
A boy & his dog...
Added by Mariel
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

CHAPULIN was named after famed Mexican super hero "El Chapulin Colorado". El ChapulĂ­n Colorado is a television series created by Chespirito, a successful Mexican comedian that parodied superhero shows. The name translates literally in English as "The Red Grasshopper". The name originated as an obvious pun on The Green Hornet, which was far more popular in some Spanish-speaking countries, hence a tempting reference. We grew up watching this show & enjoy it still, after 30+years.

Added by Mariel Armitage

When I think of Chapu, I will always think of a couple nights ago when Aden kept going to the front door and we didn't know what he wanted, and when we opened the door there was Chapu all innocent, just standing there. That was so funny! He was a sweet dog.
Added by bop2
Added by Anonymous
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