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Born:Atlanta, GA
Died:July 13, 2007
Atlanta GA

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Cleo was given to Heather hawes by her sister, Kelley Wilson in 1994. She lived in East Point on Rantin Drive and loved living in the fresh air and outdoors. Whenever someone would come to the door, her bark was the alarm. She wanted to know who was there and when they came in the door, she sniffed them down. She liked to play and run around the house so fast that it would make her dizzy. 

Named after the African queen "Cleopatra", Cleo took on the regal role of queen of the house. Even the way she sat was of royalty. Walking was her favorite past time as she always wanted to investigate every mailbox, hydrant, yard and tree along the way.

During her young adult days, she would often check out the streets of East Point with her friend and road dog - Maxine Sampson. Then would hang out, checking in on the neightbor's dogs and even stop by to see their "special" friends. Many times they did get locked up for being in the wrong place at the wrong time and had to be bailed out of doggie jail. Their attorney, Woody Sampson, was always there for thier rescue.

Cleo was the proud mother of 4 and god mother of Maxine's 10 pups.

Cleo in the end died of complications due to congestive heart failure. She is now in heaven with the other Hawes family dogs - Maxine, Sampson, Smurf, and Moogli.

She is survived by her owners Heather Hawes and Kelley Hawes Wilson.

We will miss Cleo very much. She always met Heather at the door, gave her a lick on the nose then went back to governing the house in front of the fire place. That was her spot.

Copy of Picture1.jpg

Added by Anonymous

Merry Xmas - now where is my bone!
Added by h2

The whole doggie family!
Added by h2
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

Long live Queen Cleo!
Added by h2

Cleo was soo cool! Such a lil pimp! My heart goes out to Heather. I know she is a family member who will be sorely missed...

Added by Tanya Crooms

I will never forget the first time I saw Cleo. I got her from work. When I came home Heather first said, "Absolutely not!" I then showed Cleo to Heather and she became the biggest SUCKER! She took Cleo into her hands and it was over. 14 years later!!Thank you dear sister for allowing Cleo to stay in our lives for as long as she did. We truly have many great memories because of her!
Added by Kelley

I will miss Cleo so much. I love her and I feel like she was my dog too. I have been around her all my life and she meant alot to me. God is taking good care of her. I hope you are okay and I love you GOMA.


Added by Leila Sampson

I have had so much doggie fun with Cleo and the Gang. Such a loving family member. You will be missed and will always remain in my heart.

With Lots of Love,

Added by Anonymous
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