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Born:January 1, 1992
Died:December 2, 2003

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Charlie was a very unique animal who touched the lives of everyone he met. He loved everyone and was always happy. He was very beautiful and always loved to admire himself in the mirror. He was very gentle and would not ever hurt anyone. 

Charlie passed away when his stomach flipped and twisted. It was quick and we are glad we did not have to see him suffer with a more terrible disease. He lived a wonderful life and was very spoiled for sure.

He would sleep with us every night in our bed and would take over the bed while we were gone during the day. He would wait patiently to be fed and to be taken out. He never complained about pain. He loved to go for rides in the car as well whenver he could.

We will always remember Charlie and are determined to keep his memory alive for all to see.

Added by Anonymous


Added by Paul


Added by Paul


Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

i can remember many things of his wonderful kindness, his cute little special stance & love also ,how "charlie " greated the family at the top of the steps,& how he would wait for me at the top of the steps until i walked down steps then he would come on down so i could take him outside. he also took turns with our family when he gave us kisses it was so adorable .. i will always love Charlie & miss him so very much Love always ,Anna
Added by Anna

Charlie was a very sweet dog and I loved every minute I had with him. Yes he did like to look at hisself in the mirror alot and yes he did love to beg for food. I loved it when we would get to Charlotte's how Charlie would always be so happy to see us. I loved how he used to jump up and greet us. He was a very loved dog and he will be greatly missed. He is up there with his Dad and my mom right now being loved by them.

Love you Charlie rest in peace,


Added by Anonymous

I just wanted 2 say Charlie thank you 4 12 wonderful years ! U taught me a lot of love & you have always been there 4 me as I tried to be there 4 you. I know you are with your dad in Heaven : ) U were there 4 me in times of need & grief & you will never be 4gotten you will always be my bro my life &my love & I will never forget you & your memories will live on & your loss left a void in my heart but Thanks 4 your love to me & your friendship & you are truly mans best friend! Love you always!
Added by Anonymous


you will be very missed. you were a wonderful dog that that brought so much joy to everyone you knew.

we will be sad not having you around, and will deeply miss having you in our every day lives, however, we know you are in a better place.

we will keep your memory alive with this memorial and in our hearts forever.


Added by charlotte
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