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Born:January 20, 1998
Died:February 17, 2006
Ringtown Valley Veterinary Hospital Penna.

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Caleb was my one and only "furry love of my life", and my soulmate--i had him since he was 8 weeks old, --He was a Papillon which in French means "Butterfly"--they are noted for having these unusually large ears with wisps of hair that resemble butterfly wings--He was a tiny little fluff ball with a huge personality that won over many a heart in the short almost 8 years i was blessed to have him in my life--caleb was very loyal, and positively left me and everyone else know he was strictly daddys' boy only. We were inseparable, and his favorite place while out riding was lying across the back of my shoulders so he could watch me in the mirror--he ate what daddy ate, and eventually got too heavy ,and then graduated to my lap-where he would pull at my arm with his paw and rest his head so he could watch out window.i never had to leash him, he never strayed far firom my side, and while walking in our meadow, was always so curious and followed everything that moved ,smelled trees, fallen leaves, wildflowers, butterflies,tried to play with birds-he loved my moms' gold crowned conure, and would always greet her first when visiting to kiss "Polly" through the cage bars,and when Polly was out,I swear she would flirt with him-it was so cute to watch them together--There are just too many good memories of my little guy to even write down-he made my life content, and not once in all the time i had him, did he ever show me any signs he was as sick as he ended up being-he went into complete kidney shut down, and his condition deteriorated so quickly, that i lost him in one day--our vet and his staff did what they could, but his blood work was so abnormal, and his system so stressed, that he told me if he was human, he would be candidate for kidney transplant--he couldn't be saved, so i had to make the worse decision in my life-to have my baby euthanized-i held him, and stayed with him till he left quietly on Angel Wings for Heaven, and felt my heart and soul go with him--my life changed drastically that day. Now Calebs most beloved and treasured memories see his daddy through--through all my conversations with our vet that last day, it seems that Calebs kidneys were abnormally shaped from the minute i got him, and that animals will mask symptoms of illness most times till they are past critical stage--my Caleb held out till he couldn't stay with me any longer, and while it was such a shock to lose him that suddenly, i am thankful my little guy didn't have to suffer a long debilitating illness---he was my "furbaby", and i loved him so much in this life that i know he carried that love with him, and he is now my Guardian Angel, watching over me, till that one glorious day when we are reunited once more, and i can hold him forever again in my arms and always in my heart and soul:)  Caleb--Daddy loves and misses you --Rest well my little guy, for daddy knows you are in a better place, healthy once more, and also waiting for me once my journey here on Earth is through.

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Personal Notes

Hello little Caleb! I am so glad to see that your Daddy has chosen this site so even more people can read about you. You were one of the first "furbaby" to welcome Elvis (Ellie Belly) and Sweet Pea to the Rainbow Bridge. Oh how we appreciated that so much. I cried and cried for what seemed like forever and you and the other babies that are there knew how I would feel. Thank you so much.
Added by Deborah/Elvis and Sweet Pea's Mommy
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