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Born:June 3, 1996
Chicago, Illinois
Died:December 27, 2006
Park Forest, Illinois

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On June 03, 1996, my Little was born to Sidora(also with her now). She had two sisters, one also a calico like her and the other balck and white. All three were a little wild at first, since they were stray. After two months, her mom brought all of them in our house. I remember looking at her, and thinkin "this is the one I will love forever". She was so cute and cuddly. She looked so pretty with her puffy coat adn bright yellow eyes. She was so close to her sisters and she spent every moment with me after that. 

I played with her, fed her, and there wasnt a night she didnt sleep with me. She loved toy mice and feathers but she loved fish and chicken. There were times when she suffered partly my fault. We had an attached porch so she was able to go out as she wanted in the summers. She ended up going downstairs one time and one of my neighbors accidently hit her with a baseball causing her to go unconscious for a few minutes and bleed from her nose. She was okay though but I always watched her more closely after that.

It seemed that the more I watched her the more that things happened to her. One time she got locked in to out neighbora apartment that was closed for good. i didnt know it at first until a month later when I saw her through a window. It took a while for her to get better but she lived. Then there was the time that she got out of the house and disappeared for almost a year. I was little then, so forChristmas I didnt ask for toys, I asked to get her back. On Christmas Eve, there were noises outside, so i opened the door and there she was! She wasnt malnourished or was like she had been here all along. I hugged her and told her that I never gave up hope on her coming back.

Well, the time came when all hope was lost. She got sick one day and it went down from there. The vets never knew what was the cause. She couldnt walk anymore, barely ate, and weighed no more than a kitten. Her fur that was once so vibrant was now dull and pale. She never meowed after that, just purred. Test after test couldnt find a problem but they revealed she ahd brain damage that was irreversible. I didnt want to put her down though, and she was starting to get better for a while. She was eating on her own, starting being able to stand and gained a little weight. But...she got worse all in one day and that day she passed away. Her body just couldnt take the pain and all the medication she was on. Her heart just gave up, as did her brain.

I miss her sooo much. She was my everything, the one who was always with me when anything happened. I trusted her and loved her with all my heart and when I had just lost her mom, she had to go tooo, leaving me even more broken-hearted.

I love you mommy, and I always will. I hope you are with your mom, your son, and you niece, and even your Grandma. Hope to see you again one day.

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Personal Notes

I couldnt keep your ashes because it would hurt too much. It would make seem too real for me and I dont think I could handle it especially after all that had just happened. I hope you understand that my Little, it doesnt mean I want to forget you. I miss you
Added by Ruby
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