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Born:April 18, 1991
Cedar Valley, Ontario
Died:December 18, 2006
Ajax, Ontario

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My little one was born in a barn on April 18th, 1991.  My husband named her Tara for tara-your-arm-off, as she was a little devil when she was little.  She would hiss, spit, bite and attack people.  Everyone was afraid of her, but she was my little one.  

She was able to turn a light off by jumping up and hitting the switch. She had a little black stuffed cat that was her baby and she would carry it every where.

The last 2 years she was the most affectionate and would always be found laying on me or my husband or waiting for our dog to come home from a walk and lay with him. Our German Shepherd Sunny misses her terribly as do I.

She had slept on the pillow above mine for almost 16 years and I miss that at night, but I have put her little black cat there.

When she got sick it was very sudden, she was almost blind, but she could see about 3 inches from her face and could make it around the house really well.

She had her own ceramic cup in the bathroom that she would drink water from as nothing else would do.

The day before we had to put her down she was at the side of our bed crying, she had gone completely blind and paralyzed. This happened on a Sunday and the vet wasn't going to be open until Monday, so we had to wait. I stayed with her every minute. She had a certain cry for when she had to use her litterbox and a little cry for when she wanted water. I know that it was her time, but I still wasn't ready for it. She was my baby, my first furbaby.

Tara never liked going to the vet's, they had warning all over her card. She was a handful when we took her to put it mildly, so when we took her for the last time my husband asked me if I wanted to put her in her cage I said, "no she'll be fine in my arms." And she was, I think she knew it was her time to go and be with my father.

As rebellious as she was when she was little we always showed her how much we loved her every day and near the end I think she knew this. She wanted to be with us and didn't try to hide as most cats do when it's there time and I will be grateful that I had that.

My husband and I had numerous names for her like: zoo zoo petals, Tara binski, baby katz and my little angel.

I will love her forever and miss her every day of my life.
Tara in Pumpkin.JPG
Tara in Pumpkin on Halloween
Added by Mommy
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

It's been a month since you passed away and your Dad and I were talking about how much we miss you. You weren't there tonight to beg for chicken or jump in the paper bag we put on the floor for you.

Our friends have been telling us to get a new cat, but another one will not compare to you my baby katz.

Love and miss you,

Added by Mom

Tara looks like a well loved and cared for pet. She a beautful kitty! Coincidentally, I too lost my cat "Tiffany" on Dec. 18th. She was just a few years older than Tara. I truly believe she is happy where she is and, of course, free of illness. The first week is unbearable but I am much better now, the emotional toll is great! In place of the emotional pain, I am left with wonderful remembrances of my pet. I hope you will be too.
Added by Anonymous

Dear Tara...What a gorgeous kitty you are! Your mommy misses you so much and will always love you. My Sweet Pea is a barn cat too. She is Elvis' sister. I hope that you see my Ellie and your are rubbing up against each other and purring happily.
Added by Deborah/Mommy of Elvis

Thank you for the kind thoughts...everytime I come to this website my eyes tear up. It's comforting to know that Tiffany had a companion crossing the Rainbow bridge. I know the pain will lessen as time passes...nothing else really helps except time. Eventually you will be left with wonderful memories of your Tara in place of the pain. At least that's what they say.
Added by Tiffany's owner

Tara your brother is with you now, please take care of him until we see you again.
Added by Mommy XOXOXOXO

Death is nothing at all, I have only slipped away into the next room. I am I and you are you. Whatever we were to each other we still are. Call me by my old familiar name, speak to me in the easy way you always used. Why should I be out of your mind because I am out of your sight. All is well, nothing is lost. One brief moment and all will be as it was before. Condolences from Ireland.
Added by Phoebe's family
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