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Born:April 25, 1993
Miramar, Florida
Died:September 1, 2006
Apopka, Florida

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TJ was a very unique cat. He was a gorgeous cream colored cat with a freckle on his left ear and one on his bottom lip. He was a Tonkinese and would always "talk" back if I told him not to do something. He always wanted to be held and wanted constant attention.He was extremely loving.
TJ was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma in May, 2006.
For months I tried four different vets, specialists and alternative cancer treatment in order to save his left hind leg. Everyone kept telling me he had to have it amputated. I decided to let him go naturally, instead of putting him through that at 13 yrs. old. The tumor kept getting larger and several x-rays showed that the cancer had not spread, but the doctors said that they weren't sure of that. Even though he was eating alot and playing and running around, at times he was in pain and he was losing weight. The pain medication wasn't helping that much and he kept trying all the time to rip his bandage off and he was starting to limp. In August, his original vet said that his only hope was to have his leg amputated and that he should pull through just fine even at his age and loss of weight. On August 29th, he had his leg amputated and everything went downhill from there. He became dehydrated, even with IV fluids and he stopped eating. I went to see him everyday, I even had him home for a day, but he got worse. He was miserable without his leg and very depressed.
I tried to get him to eat and drink, I helped him to use the litter box, but it was no good. He went back to the vet and on Sept. 1st , the vet told me that according to blood tests, his kidneys and liver were failing. I sat holding him, talking to him and crying for an hour, before I realized I had only one choice. He died at 9:45 am
I feel so depressed and guilty about what he went through those last four days of his life. I should have never listened to the vet and I should have let him go naturally, the way I originally intended.I miss him terribly.
I have outwardly pulled myself together for my other cat and my dog and my two kids.At night when everyone's asleep is when I do my suffering and remembering.
TJ will be greatly missed and will always be loved.

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