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Born:February 17, 1993
Died:October 27, 2003

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You were a truly wonderful and loving friend, in fact, you were my best friend.  You were there for me through happy times to share in the laughter and fun and also the bad times to lick away my tears. Your love was so unconditional and you loved me just for me.  I got you when you were 6 years old and I lost you when you were 10 years old. I have sometimes thought that I was cheated out of something because I didn't have all of your life with you.  But I realize that I am very, very lucky and fortunate to have been able to be a part of your life, knowing you and loving you. You weighed 13 lbs but the sound of your bark would have made people believe that you were 5 times your size. You were not afraid of much!  I have seen you chase dogs 5 times your size out of "your" front yard. You were a blessing to me everyday!  I never knew what to expect from you because you had such an outgoing personality before you became sick.  You would often get irritated because I would love on you so much that you would flare your little teeth and growl just enough to let me know that you had had enough of the hugs and kisses for the time being.  You were never unhappy and you never knew a stranger.  Everyone that met you fell fully and totally in love with you, especially me. There will never be another thing in this world that could ever take your special, precious place in my heart. I know that you are my guardian angel and you know that I love you and I always will. You are with God now and you are free of the pain and hurt that your physical body caused you. You know I decided it was the right time because I saw you suffering and I knew that by letting you go you would be able to be at peace without the hurt or pain. I will never forget you by precious baby! Until we meet again Taylor, on that Rainbow Bridge, always remember that Mama loves you and you will always be with me in your special place inside my heart. 

All my love Baby T!
Me and Taylor 2.jpg
Me & My Baby!
Added by Taylor's Mama
Personal Notes

It has been just over a month since you left my life but never my heart. I think of you everyday and dream of you and how happy you must be. I don't think that the pain and sadness is any less now than it was on the day that you went to heaven. Sometimes I swear I feel you right beside me and I can still feel your love in my heart.
Added by Taylor's Mama

Although we may be physically apart nothing can never ever break the bond of our hearts and the love we share. I miss you so much that is breaks my heart! I long to see your cute little face and hold you close to me never to let you go. It seems like an eternity since I have last held you and loved on you. We were always so close but I feel like that bond has continued to grow even though you are no longer here with me.
Added by Taylor's Mama

I know you will always look over me, my guardian angel and I love you so very much! I will miss you at Christmas because you always loved the lights on the tree. I got you a special ornament this year for the tree and it's hanging right in front with all your other ornaments. All I want for Christmas is you but I know you are spending Christmas with Jesus now and one day we will spend it together again. I love you my heart and will always miss you!

All my love,

Added by Taylor's Mama

Happy Birthday Taylor! I hope you have a wonderful birthday in heaven. I will always remember when I bought you the party hat and made you sit still while I took you picture. I wish you could be here with me on this special day. I just want you to know that I love you so very much and miss you terribly. Happy Birthday again my angel! Tell God to give you a hug for me and to keep you happy and safe until I can join you! I love you!
Added by Taylor's mama

My precious angel,
It has been a year today since we lost you & we miss you still so very much. You are still with me & I think of you everyday. It seems like only yesterday because the pain is still so new but then it seems like a million years since I last held you close & kissed you.

Added by Taylor's Mama and Daddy

We have two cats now named Zoey & Roxie that are very special to us but could never take the place you hold in our minds and hearts. I know you never liked cats and how ironic that Roxie reminds me alot of you in the way she is. She leaves crubbles on all over the floor went she eats like you always did & is always underfoot. Oh Taylor if I didn't know any better I would think you sent her, specially, to me!!
Added by Taylor's Mama and Daddy

Wow sweetheart how I miss you & I cry so much for the ache in my heart of losing you but it was your time to go to be with God. You had suffered so much & we could no longer bear to see you live that way. I know that you are my guardian angel & I feel you already know all these things I am saying. You are with me everyday and everywhere in mind, heart and spirit. Never to be forgotten & forever to be loved & missed. I love you my baby!!!!!!
Added by Taylor's Mama and Daddy

Happy Birthday my sweetheart! You would have been 12 years old today! We all miss you so very much & I think of you everyday. I so wish you were here with me so we could have you a party & I would fix you a steak for my special guy. I love you my angel & miss you so very much. I am sure God & all the other animals are having a celebration for you on your special day! Love,kisses & hugs from Mommy & Daddy! We love you dear heart!!
Added by Taylor's Mommy
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