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Born:May 5, 1997
East Hartford, CT
Died:January 13, 2006
San Diego, CA

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Hannah came into my life by surprise in 2000, the day I found a young (2 or 3 years old), skinny, stray cat who just gave birth to 4 perfect little kittens, two black and two white, all adorable! She was a homeless stray that needed help. When her kittens were 12 weeks, they went to live with happy new homes; but Hannah was going to stay with me. I loved her the first time I saw her. And I know she loved me back. It was like she knew I was going to help her with her kittens and give her a home. She trusted me. I only had Hannah for 6 short years, but they were wonderful years! She was the sweetest cat. Always wanted to play with a feather teaser or my ponytail holder or crumpled paper. She would play "catch the mouse" at night when I wanted to go to sleep instead. She kneaded blankets with her front paws when she was content. She had a quiet little pur when she was especially happy and a loud meow when it was feeding time! She didn't like treats as some cats do, but she would sniff at foods with her cute pink nose, like she was curious about what I was having for dinner. She would lie on her back with her paws in the air and wait for belly rubs. If I was at the computer, she'd come sit on the desk, usually right on top of whatever I was trying to work on. She liked to lay in the sunny spots on the carpet, or hide behind the curtains and peek her head out. Sometimes she'd try and groom me too, by licking my hand, and she had the cutest little tounge that tickled. When it was time for bed, she'd jump up on the bed and curl up next to me. I have another cat, who is about 4 years older than Hannah. Sometimes they'd play fight, but Hannah wasn't the one who started it! She didn't like other cats, if she heard another cat, all the hair on her tail would stand up. Hannah had a fun, playful, sweet, & loving personality. She was never too far away from me. She made me very happy. She was so special to me, never any trouble. And she was so pretty with her soft, white, fluffy fur, yellow eyes, and pink nose. I am glad she was in my life!

Added by Anonymous


Added by Anonymous


Added by Anonymous


Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)
Rainbow Bridge.doc

Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

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Added by Anonymous

Please join us at a brand new online group where we talk about losing our pets and offer each other support, understanding and sympathy. We would love to hear more about your sweet friend Hannah. Delphi requires you to register to join, but it is free. It can be found at I am so very sorry for your loss!

Added by Flash's Mom
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