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Born:September 15, 1989
Baltimore, Maryland
Died:December 28, 2005
Goochland, Virginia

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Today, I had to make the most difficult decision of my life.  That was to end the suffering of my beloved cat, Paulina.  Words can not express the grief I feel today.  For 13 years I have been privileged to have the most loving and loyal pet a human could have.  While things in life change, the one consistent thing I had to look forward to each day was to have "kitty" waiting for me when I returned home.  She was always there to comfort me when I needed it.  She always wanted to be with me or near me.  My life feels so empty tonight as I grasp for any comforting memories of her.  Although I know it was the right decision, I've never felt such pain in my 38 years.  

Rest in peace, my love. Daddy will never forget you, and I pray we'll be together again one day.
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Personal Notes

I would like to send you my deepest condolences for Paulina. I have had to make this painful decision twice in the last year for 3 of my cats and it is agonizing. Please know this--the pain will ease over time and happy memories will comfort you. I live with the hope that I will someday be reunited with all of my furbabies and I know God is watching over them now.
Added by Sue

Thank you, Sue. I appreciate your kind words. I know everyone here has experienced a similar loss, and it's a comfort to know that what I'm feeling is not unique.
Added by Anonymous

Please join us at a brand new online group where we talk about losing our pets and offer each other support, understanding and sympathy. We would love to hear more about your sweet friend Paulina. Delphi requires you to register to join, but it is free. It can be found at I am so very sorry for your loss!

Added by Flash's Mom
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