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Born:Pembroke, Ontario
Died:November 29, 2005
Orleans, Ontario

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To my dear friend Candy,

Thank you for being such a good cat. For all the unconditional love and affection you've giving me throughout the years. Our home feels empty without you.

I have kept the laser light that you loved so much. I remember how much fun we had together when playing that game. Sleeping without you has become difficult, I remember how you would wait in the stair case and meow when it was time for bed. And race me up the stairs so you could get in bed first.

I wish that I could have done more for you, but, I know deep down inside you have suffered enough. I gave you the best gift of euthanasia, a gift of love and unselfishness.

I love you Candy and I miss you so very much.

Mommy, Mike, Xena & Oliver
Thanks for being a great big sister.
Added by Xena

I'll miss you Candy!!!
Added by Love your little brother. Oliver
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

They say memories are golden
well maybe that is true.
I never wanted memories,
I only wanted you.

In life I loved you dearly,
In death I love you still.
In my heart you hold a place
no one could ever fill.

Added by Mommy

Hi, im sorry about Candy. I lost my Bruno last Dec and it is still raw inmy heart. I live in Binbrooke Ontario.
Happy Holdiays and just know she is in good company.

Added by Jenny

I am very sorry for the loss of your sweet friend. Please join us at a brand new online group where we talk about losing our pets and offer each other caring support, understanding and sympathy. We would love to hear more about Candy. Delphi requires you to register to join but it is free. It can be found at
Added by Gizmo's mom Vicki
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