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Born:March 29, 1990
Ladysmith, British Columbia
Died:September 28, 2005
Nanaimo, Canada as I petted him and told him I love him.

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Everyone who knew Tucker loved him. 


Intelligence and ESP:

Tucker knew when I didn't like someone. He peed on the chair of a man who made me cry. Later in his life I was at the computer and Tucker licked the knee of my jean-there was a scab underneath. When we did landscaping Tucker was invited and if we got busy and ignored him he'd find sticks, fling them and retrieve them himself. And Tucker and I had long conversations. He listened intently and replied with his eyes and movements. So Smart! Tucker once left a ball behind a rock on the beach while our walk continued. Twenty minutes later when we returned he remembered where it was.

Fighting Spirit

Tucker tried to attack a huge dog when we first got him. I think he was trying to impress us. It worked: My boyfriend admired his fighting spirit. Tucker got into a fight with a huge raccoon. Tucker won!Tucker drooled over and destroyed balls, sticks and bones. We got him a too-thin frisbee and he mangled it into tiny shards. Tucker loved to lift his leg on everything. He was very macho. Towards the end of his life he had to pee like a girl. This made us sad. That and when he had to lie down to eat.

A Loving Dog

Tucker loved us. He always looked at us with adoring eyes.
One time when I came out of the shower Tucker licked my knee. Tucker looked at me with special interest and appreciation when I played keyboard. He had gone deaf by then. I think he wondered what I was doing. My dad always gave Tucker pastries and goodies against our advice. Tucker would linger by his feet in rapture.

Personality Plus

Whenever I threw piles of grass he tried to catch them as they landed. Then he’d shake his head back and forth with frayed pieces of grass scattering everywhere. The only time Tucker ever ran away was to chase a much larger female dog he became enamored with. Tucker was also obsessed with his ball. He used to endlessly drop it in our lap when we sat on the sofa. It could get quite annoying, actually (don’t worry about it Tucker-we weren’t perfect either). It was a constant challenge to keep Tucker off my yoga mat! Tucker never tried to hump my leg. He did however, try to furiously hump a blanket we left around, and for some bizarre reason my boyfriend’s cardigan. For this reason I couldn’t hang it on the coat closet doorknob! I left half a Coffee Crisp on the table and went into my bedroom. 2 minutes later there was nothing but a wrapper. I scolded him but he looked at me and panted, and proceeded to role around the floor in ecstasy. And Tucker used to walk dogs at the shelter with me and my dad. He acted like the dogs were invisible, no matter how much they tried to make friends. One time when we took Tucker to the lake he jumped in and emerged soaked. He waited two minutes to shake off, soaking the elderly couple who walked by. Ron said "What a jerk!" and laughed.

Showing our Love

Our dear border collie cross. We discovered Tucker at the animal shelter. He was there because he was found running loose and chasing rabbits. Ron always said: “Hey Little Buddy!”Ron interrupted our fights by saying: “You’re upsetting the children. What about the children?” Our child was Tucker. When we first got Tucker he was fixated on an orange ball the shelter gave him. He wouldn't leave it alone. When I first got him home he dropped it on my chest while I was doing yoga. Tucker loved romping. We used to go jogging in the nearby field and I would throw him a stick. I used to sing to Tucker whenever I gave him a bath. Usually the Beatles. Tucker liked soy chicken better than real chicken. Ron said I was turning him into a hippie. I used to look at Tucker, and dance while chanting "Who's my favorite do-og. Tucker's my favorite do-og."
Tuckered Out Boy
Added by Galina Pembroke
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

Tucker dear...You are always in our hearts. I can't imagine a better dog, and I'm always daydreaming. You know that. But you're in a better place now, where you can run and play and chew up sticks to itty bitty pieces. Yeah!!! And you have your balls back! Remember our trips to the trail? Good dog. Good Tucker. We love you boy. Forever.
Added by Galina Pembroke
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