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Born:May 15, 2003
Norco, CA
Died:August 8, 2005
Riverside, CA

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Jesse was a big, beautiful white Pekin duck, who was so sweet and we were so close to him.  He greeted us with his adorable quack every time he saw or heard us.  When a duck is a close pet, the loss is just as painful as with a dog or cat.  

He was attacked last night by a raccoon or cat in his pen, and badly injured. We found him passed away this morning, a terribly bad sight, and I have a sense of guilt that I wasn't there to help him. Our family says not to feel guilty, because it was in the middle of the night, while we were sleeping, and I can't watch our outdoor pets 24/7. We know that's true, but his death still hurts.

God was there, with him, and knows all that happened. He has His reason for allowing this to happen, though we don't always understand, and we must trust in His authority over His creation.

We love Jesse so much, and truly believe he's with the Lord now. God made everything, and He's so compassionate, so there's no reason he can't have His creatures with Him in heaven, once their life on earth has ended. The Bible leaves this open. We know it was his time to go, and God's will to take him, but even so, we still grieve, naturally. It's part of life. God will get us through, like He always does and someday, we'll see Jesse again!

Praise God for Jesse's life!

So, Jesse- we love you so much, boy...always!
Big and precious!
Added by John & Renee
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

This memorial is to our sweet Jesse duck, but also in memory of the other precious pets that have gone to be with the Lord: Penny, Callie and Becky (all beloved pet chickens), Bird (our first dove), Rusty (our guinea pig), Daisy (our first Pekin duck), Earl & Merle (our first 2 pet roosters) and Snuggles (our second cockatiel). We have felt much pain in each loss, but are so thankful to the Lord for His goodness and grace, and the precious lives of our beloved pets!
Added by John & Renee

I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful and sweet friend. There is an online group where we talk about losing our pets and offer each other support, sympathy and understanding. We would love for you to join us and tell us more about Jesse and any other of your pets that you have lost. Delphi requires you to register to join but it is free. It can be found at
Added by Gizmo's mom in Seattle
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