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Born:Bridgeport, CT
Died:July 23, 2005
Monroe, CT

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Copper came into my life one day when I heard of an underweight, homeless, very vocal little cat living behind a house in Bridgeport. 
When I arrived, I "meowed" and out she ran. After feeding her & attempting to leave, she decided that running after me & biting my leg made perfect sense.
My sister went to get her & Copper became part of our family.
A wildcat, unable to be held or pet, Copper was a loner for a while. But as time went on, we grew closer.
She taught us patience, love and appreciation for life.
No matter how many times she bit or scratched us, we loved her just the same.
Now as Copper is leaving us due to an illness at a youn age. We will go on to love others, despite their hurtful words or actions.
That is what Copper taught me.
On July 23rd at 12:00 noon, Copper crossed the "Rainbow Bridge" into Heaven. Our Angel now has her wings. Her pain is gone, and her happiness back. No longer will she hurt or suffer.
We love you, Copper. We will see you soon.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

God puts everyone here to learn how to love each other. Perhaps that is why animals don't live as long as people. they already know how to love.
Added by Anonymous
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