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Born:Minnesota, USA
Died:March 11, 2005
Dellwood, Minnesota

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Unless more time is purchased to keep this memorial online, it will be removed from this website very soon.  Visitors will be unable to view this memorial, including any stories, photos, personal notes or other memorabilia that have been added to this web page.

Charlie was not a pet. He was a wild animal, but because of an illness in infancy he was unable to survive in the wild and needed to be cared for by humans. Special permits, licenses, and vaccinations were necessary to keep Charlie captive, and were procured with much difficulty.   Nevertheless, Charlie's life with people was a success because he helped educate children and adults, at schools and at organizations, about respecting wildlife, appreciating wildlife and supporting causes that benefit wildlife. 
Charlie was very active at fundraisers and helped raise thousands of dollars for wildlife rehabilitation organizations. These funds helped save the lives of hundreds of animals suffering injuries due to negative encounters with humans and human made objects.
Charlie will be greatly missed by Minnesota’s Wildlife Rehab Community.
Charlie was 10.5 years old when he died, us humans, who knew him, would say: he lived them well!
Charlie 1.jpg

Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

Charlie was the best raccoon I've ever met (and I've met many!) He would get grumpy on occasion but most of the time he would look at you with those big shiny eyes and there was nothing you could do but melt. He served his conspecifics well, raising money to help them when in need.
Wherever you are Charlie, I'm sure you are someplace good where there's lots and lots of roasted peanuts! (peanuts were his fave)

Added by Carmen Vaz-Altenberg.
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