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Born:January 1, 2013
Cleveland Ohio
Died:February 8, 2024
Fairview Park, Ohio

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I met him because he was a probably prior owned (and fixed) cat. I put my cat Magus's leftovers on my front porch at night and he came every night for just over a year from 2016 til he trusted me to move in with me in mid October 2017, and he and Magus became playmates and like brothers. Brownie had 6 years and 4 months with me til his untimely passing from widespread cancer a little over a month after he turned 11. He came up on my bed showed me love and id snuggle him as I also did with Magus. Every night he'd come sit in a certain spot in my kitchen and give me the "I want seconds on the Friskies cat food look!" He was euthanized by my vet February 8, 2024. I miss him and Magus (euthanized by my vet February 17, 2021 due to an incurable heart tumor with blood in his lungs at only 5.5 years old. I had 4 & 2/3 years with Magus). Brownie has joined Magus in Heaven and I hope to see them there someday and be reunited with them forever.

Added by Anonymous
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