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Born:May 27, 2015
Jasper, Georgia
Died:October 4, 2020
La Grange, IL

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We adopted Riggs 5 years ago when he was about 3 or 4 years old. A transplant from the south, Jasper, Georgia, he had definitely experienced some tough days. Our sweet and loving Riggs was so full of personality and the perfect companion. He loved to lay in the sun, chase squirrels and he was the ultimate protector of our house. Even when he had to take care of skunks to get the job done. He was a city dog through and through and took it hard leaving his friends when we made the move to the quiet suburbs of Chicago a few years ago. None the less he remained a very happy and loyal boy. He was very excited to welcome a new baby brother a year and a half ago (once he realized he wasn’t a chew toy) and they had very fun times playing together. Even though he doesn’t remember asking for James, he accepted him as part of the pact right away and guarded him always. 

It feels you were taken too soon but we know you were tired and hurting. Even 100 years would not have felt like enough time, but after 5 short years you told us you were ready. We know you will continue to stand guard from heaven. You will forever be in our hearts and we will see you again someday. So wait for us at the Rainbow Bridge, as we will definitely come searching for you.

Added by Anonymous


Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

I am SO sorry for your loss. I loved the pictures of Riggs and James. The bond between them was heartfelt. Please know I am thinking about you and sending many hugs your way. ?? With love, Aunt Beth
Added by Beth Schmidt

To my fave midwest doggo Riggs. You were the absolute best! Thanks for being my seeing-eye dog, putting up with Bogue and napping/chilling with me every single visit. I can't wait to one day tell James all about you. Bogue already misses his buddy! Rest in dog heaven and eat ALL the human food. Tracy, Josh & James - I love you guys! - Cherizza
Added by Anonymous
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